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BCA Spring Meeting 2005
Loughborough University
Monday 11 April

CCP4 Workshop

Monday 11 April, 11:00 - 12:30 & 13:30 - 17:00

Organiser: Martyn Winn (CCP4, Daresbury)

This is a hands-on CCP4 workshop with lunch and tea breaks at 12:30 and 15:30, respectively.

Tutors Include:

Harry Powell (MRC-LMB) - Data Processing with Mosflm

Liz Potterton or Stuart McNicholas (York) - The CCP4 Molecular Graphics Project

Paul Emsley (York) - Coot

Eleanor Dodson (York) - CCP4

Airlie McCoy (Cambridge) - Molecular Replacement with Phaser

Phil Evans (MRC-LMB) - CCP4

Martyn Winn (CCP4, Daresbury) - CCP4