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BCA Spring Meeting 2003

University of York

Tuesday 15 March to Thursday 17 April 2003

Scientific Program

Parallel Session: High-Energy Diffraction

Wednesday 16 April, 8:30 - 10:00 & 10:30 - 12:00

Chair: Steve Collins (Daresbury Lab)

The high-energy diffraction session organised by the PCG will develop the themes in Henning Poulsen's plenary presentation by showcasing different uses to which high energy X-ray sources can be applied. These will range from in-situ studies of chemical reactions to probing engineering materials.

Detailed Programme

08:30 Alexander Korsunsky (Oxford) - White Beam Techniques for Experimental Strain Analysis

09:15 Veijo Honkimaki (ESRF) - High-Energy Diffraction at the ESRF

10:00 (Coffee and Exhibition)

10:30 Paul Barnes (Birkbeck) - Use of Medium High-Energy Dispersive Diffraction for In-Situ Studies in Materials Science

11:15 Peter Hatton (Durham) - High Energy X-ray Scattering studies of Polarons and Structural Distortions in Strongly Correlated Oxides