ORNL PostDocs

Postdoctoral Opportunities

Neutron Scattering Research at ORNL

Over the next few years there will be several openings for postdoctoral fellows in neutron scattering research at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Candidates must have a PhD in a relevant scientific area. Prior neutron scattering experience is an asset.

Current openings:
Complex Fluids and Colloidal Materials
Neutron Scattering Data Analysis and Visualization

General information on Neutron Scattering at ORNL is available on our website: http://neutrons.ornl.gov

Particular information on applying for the positions above is available through the link:

The current neutron source at ORNL is the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR), a light water moderated reactor, operated at 85 MW with a neutron flux of 3E15 neutrons/cm2/s. Research facilities include instruments for small angle scattering, powder diffraction, reflectivity, single crystal diffraction, and a complement of triple axis spectrometers for measuring excitations. A full range of sample chambers is available including low temperature, high temperature, high pressure and magnetic field. The spectrometers at HFIR are utilized by many outside users from around the world. There is also an active in-house scientific program. The topics addressed include polymers, complex fluids, magnetism and superconductivity, as well as other aspects of materials science, physics and chemistry.

Upgrades anticipated for the HFIR in the near future include the addition of a cold neutron source and system of thermal guides. Scientists at ORNL are also actively engaged in other aspects of neutron scattering research, including the Spallation Neutron Source.

For further details or to discuss applying, please contact:

Dr. Herb Mook (423)-574-5242 [email protected]
Dr. Stephen Nagler (423)-574-5240 [email protected]
Dr. George Wignall (423)-574-5237 [email protected]

Mailing addres:
P.O. Box 2008 MS 6393
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6393, USA

Page last updated 20 Nov 1997
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