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BCA Spring meeting York 2003 timetable
Tuesday 15/4 Wednesday 16/4 Thursd ay 17/4
08.30 hrs BCA Council Meeting09.30 hrs - 10.30 hrs Parallel Session High Through-put, Databases and Data Mining Parallel Session PCG   Parallel Session : Phase Identification principles Parallel Session PCG Parallel Session CCG Parallel Session Quantitative Ph ase Analysis CCP4 Workshop
10.00 hrs Coffee/Exhibition Coffee/Exhibition
10.30 hrs���� ��.�...11.00 hrs Plenary Session :��� High Throu gh-put, Databases and Data Mining Parallel Session High Through-put, Databases and Data Mining Parallel Session PCG Parallel Session BSG   Parallel Session PCG Parallel Session CCG Parallel Session Quantitative Phase Analysis
12.00 hrs   AGM Physical Crystallography Group AGM Biological Structures Group   12:00 to 12:45 hrs DIAMOND SIG
12.30 hrs Lunch/Exhibition Lunch/Exhibition
13.00 hrs Parallel Session High Through-put, Databases and Data Mining     Parallel Session : Phase Identification practice Lunch/Exhibition
13.30 hrs Plenary Session :��� High Through-put, Databases and Data Mining Parallel Session PCG Parallel Session BSG Parallel Session Structure Solution from Powders Parallel Session CRYSTALS Workshop with PCs.  
AGM Chemical Crystallography Group AGM Industrial Group
15.00 hrs Tea/Exhibition Tea/Exhibition Tea
  Prize lectures��������������� PCG & CCG   Parallel Session BSG< /td> Parallel Session : Phase Identification Workshop with PCs. Parallel Session Structure Solution from Powders Parallel S ession CRYSTALS Workshop with PCs.  
15.30 hrs Introduction to powder diffraction Oral postersPCG, IG and CCG and BSG
16.30 hrs BCA AGM������ ������������� 16.30 hrs - 17.15 hrs
17.00 hrs Education SIG 17.30 hrs-18.30 hrs Max Perutz Memorial Lecture BCA Council Meeting17.00 hrs - 19.00 hrs
18.00 hrs Dinner  
19:00hrs���������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� Poster/ExhibitorsWine Reception 19:30 hrs Conference Dinner