Volume 8-2.
Industrial Group E-Newsletter
From the British Crystallographic Association - Industrial Group
August 2008 - detailing BCA Industrial Group events and news.
Dear IG subscriber,

Welcome to this issue of the British Crystallographic Association (BCA) Industrial Group Newsletter.

Newsletter Sponsor
Rigaku logo
Click the logo to visit the RIGAKU web site!

Thanks to RIGAKU for sponsoring the cost of production and distribution of the paper edition of this Industrial Group Newsletter.

The Industrial Group Newsletter is posted to approximately 400 recipients and electronically sent to over 400 e-mail addresses. If you would like to cover the costs of a future distribution then please contact the Newsletter editor:- Email: Mark.Farnworth@pilkington.com

Paper Newsletter
View the printed format August 2008 Newsletter in PDF format here.


  1. Chair's Message.
  2. Edito rial.
  3. Meeting Reports
  4. Future Meetings
  5. XRF Newsletter June 08 E-News.
  6. Committee contact details
  7. XRF contact details
About us.
The British Crystallographic Association (BCA) is a UK charity (#284718) and the Industrial Group is one of four subject groups.
Click for more details...

Forthcoming Events
5th November 2008 Autumn Meeting, Pharmaceutical Special Interest Group, AstraZeneca, Loughborough.
21st - 23rdApril 2009 XRF - Spring Meeting, University of Loughborough.
21st - 23rdApril 2009 XRD - Spring Meeting, University of Loughborough.
See our diary of events.

BCA Membership!
Membership of the BCA for 2008 is �20 per year (�10 for concessions).
Click for more details...

Industrial Group Mailing Lists!
We maintain two separate mailing lists.
1. XRF - Regular updates about our XRF activities for anyone who signs up to our XRF mailing list.
Click for more details...
2. XRD - Regular updates about our XRD activities for anyone who signs up to our XRD mailing list.
Click for more details...
If you received this Newsletter via E-mail you are already signed up to the XRD mailing list! Follow instruction in the E-mail to UNSUBSCRIBE.

What 's New on Our Web site
Please bear with us as we migrate our web content to a new server and a more flexible content management system.

Submit&# 32;a contribution
Send a contribution by E-mail for our web pages, offer an article for our Newsletter or a presentation at a future meeting

XRF Pages
View our specific XRF w eb pages!

Type BCA IG (with a space) into Google to find us!

� Copyright 2008 BCA Industrial Group
XRD Home page | XRF Home page | About us | Contact us