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British Crystallographic Association Industrial Group

The BCA is a charity with Registration Number 284718

Structural Materials Workshop
Residual Stress in Context. How to Choose a Technique

Manchester Materials Science Centre, 12th September 2000

I wish to attend this conference. Signature _________________________ Date _______________

Title _______ Initials _______ Name _____________________________________________

Address_________________________________ __________________________________________



Special Dietry Requirements (Vegetarian, etc) _______________________________________

Do you need a car parking space? Yes / No (circle your need)

Do you need information about accommodation in Manchester? Yes / No (circle your need)

The fee for this one day workshop is �30

For students and retired members the fee is �15

Students should arrange for countersignature by their Supervisor___________________

The fee includes a buffet lunch

Make cheques payable to: BCA Industrial Group.or by BACS to a/c 0412698 at 30-19-14 - Lloyds Bank, Birmingham but a registration form must be completed and sent to the address given below.

 Send completed form and remi ttance to:

Judith Shackleton, Manchester Materials Science Centre, Grosvenor Street, MANCHESTER, M1 7HS

Tel, 0161 200 3581 Fax, 0161 200 3586 Email, judith. [email protected]

Registration for this IG Technical Meeting qualifies you for the offer of Membership of the British Crystallographic Association. BCA Membership runs from 1 January to 31 December. New applicants from this meeting will be enrolled for membership for 2000. Paid up Members of the BCA will hav e their membership renewed for the following calendar year (2001). Any duplication of fees generated by this scheme of the Industrial Group will be used to fund Association activities. No refunds can be made. Please assist the BCA�s "Administration Office" by ticking one or more of the spaces below to indicate your membership status.

          A current BCA Member            ...............

          A lapsed BCA Member             ...............

          Not previously a BC

A Member     ...............

          Unemployed                      ...............

          Retired                         ...............

          A full time student             ...............

 For Students only:Signature of Supervisor:.................... Course completion date:.....................

The BCA has four groups to cater for specific interests of members. Please underline ONE Main Interest Group (preferably Industrial) and circle the * of any number of Spe cial Interest Groups. The Groups which you select will tell you of their activities.

          *   BSG Biological Structures Group     

          *   CCG Chemical Crystallography Group

          *   IG    Industrial Group        

          *   PCG Physical Crystallography Group

Please tick this space if you do not wish to take up the Industrial Group�s offer of BCA Membership ______