Blocks order

English Form Letter

The carpenter does not speak English so his telephone number is not given.
The following letter in Spanish can be used by non-Spanish speaking people to order a set of blocks


���  CAUTION    N   is the number of sets to be ordered

          if N = 1    " una coleccion "  must be writen

          if N is bigger than 1     " N colecciones "  must be writen    !!!


Sr. D. Faustino Martinez

c/ Alvarez Florez Estrada, 2 - 9�

33006 Oviedo



Muy Sr. mio:

        He conocido por la red WWW que Ud. ofrece colecciones de figuras


        Estoy interesado en comprar N colecciones.

        Envieme informacion sobre el precio final, portes incluidos.

        Mi direccion es:



                VAT Nr.


                City, Country

        Le saluda,


In case of problems, please send email to Damaso Moreiras
at [email protected]

Page last updated 19 Oct 1995
BCA Home page WebMaster [email protected]
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