Survey of UK undergraduate crystallographic courses

An understanding of basic crystallography is essential to many disciplines, such as condensed matter physics, chemistry, materials, geology etc. The BCA is trying to find out how much introductory crystallography is taught as part of undergraduate science and engineering courses, whether the course is taught by a specialist crystallographer and whether additional educational materials are needed for the students or lecturers.

Please help us by completing the survey below, either print it and return by post, or save it to a file, edit in your replies and return by email to the address below:

Your Institution:

Your Department:

Year when Undergraduate Course is given: 1, 2, 3, 4

Name of Course -

Duration of Course -

How many hours in that course are taken up by introductory crystallography-

What degree is awarded on completion of the undergradute studies?
e.g. Hons B.Sc Materials Science

Name of Lecturer -

Lecturer's main interest e.g. crystallographer, materials science, or?

Your Comments (e.g what might the BCA do to help teach crystallography better?
Is crystallography essential to this course? )
Please return this survey either by post to:

Kate Crennell, BCA Education officer, P.O.Box 64, Didcot, Oxon OX11 0TH

or by email to: [email protected]