Links for the 'Software Fayre'

The following programs were all demonstrated in Glasgow during the IUCr XVII Congress held in August, and described briefly by Lachlan Cranswick the Fayre organiser in the September 1999 issue of 'Crystallography News'. The numbers are the reference numbers in his report.


1. ORTEX for Windows Single Crystal Suite (

2. XTAL (Windows/UNIX) Single Crystal Suite (

3. Project XD Charge Density Software (

4. CRYSTALS for Windows Single Crystal Suite (

5. WinGX for Windows Single Crystal Suite (

6. CAOS (Windows/UNIX)Single Crystal Suite (
Riccardo Spagna email: [email protected]

7. Sir Sirware (Sir97 - Windows/UNIX) Structure Solution (

8. JANA ordinary and modulated Structure Refinement Suite (

9. DIRDIF Structure Solution (

10. CRUNCH Structure Solution (

11. XFPA Structure Solution (at time of writing no website but check

12. Platon/"System S" (
Note from Lachlan: 7 Oct 1999 A new version of Platon/System S has been installed on XRDSV1.
This now does:
Implementation in S of Spacegroup Change suggested by ADDSYM This means, if you are solving in the incorrect spacegroup and ADDSYM can recognise this, it will convert the Shelx file and lower symmetry structure into the new spacegroup so you can continue on without manual editing.

13. CRYSFIRE Powder Indexing Suite (

14. ESPOIR Monte Carlo Structure Solution (

15. Fullprof Rietveld and Single Crystal Software (

16. XTALVIEW MIR, MAD, real-space / direct-space refinement software (

17. Shelx Structure Solution and Refinement software (

18. MacCHESS (

19. MICE (Molecular Sciences and Interaction Environments) (

20. GSAS (General Structure Analysis System) (

21. Swiss-PDB Viewer (

22. Web based ICSD (Inorganic Crystal Structure Database) (

23. DISCUS - "DIffuse SCattering and defect strUcture Simulation" (

24. Powder Cell for Windows (

25. Cryscon (

26. IDSoftware (Quake, Doom) (

27. Redhat Linux (

28. FreeBSD UNIX for PCs (

29. For CCP14 Windows/Linux and Windows/BSD dual boot pages, refer

Page last updated 2 Sep 1999
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