Ice and its crystal structure

Web Sites of Relevance to Ice,
its structure and uses

Ice occurs in many places, it can be beautiful but is also dangerous. There are many links to related web sites here. The beginning of this page is for people who want to learn a little about ice and look at some pictures.

This page is still under construction. 19 Jan 2000
More technical information for research workers is at the end.

Please send comments and further news items about ice to the BCA Webmaster.

Sections in this page:

Ice in Space

Ice on the Earth

I am grateful to Dr. Vicky Neild, of the University of Kent at Canterbury for most of the information in this section, which first appeared at The Royal Society exhibition in June 1998.

Technical section for research into the structure of ice

This page is still under construction, I plan to add the phase diagram and images of the various structues.

An introduction to the study of the crystal structure of ice can be found in the ILL Annual Report for 1997, where the discovery of a new form of ice is reported.

Web sites

Page last updated 29 July 1998
BCA Home page WebMaster [email protected]
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