Web sites mentioned in BCA News

Web Sites in 'Crystallography News'

Issues of 1998 and earlier

Issues listed here are June 95 to December 98, later ones are in another file : Some entries have been given permanent homes accessible from our home page, others have not. Ephemeral references, for example, advance notices of meetings which have now taken place, were in the newsletter but are not included here. You may also like to visit our advertisers pages.
Page last updated 18 Mar 99

June 95 issue 53
p63 BCA on the WWW
September 95 issue 54
p 39 Neutron standard data format proposal
December 95 issue 55
p4,35 ACA home page
p40 Cover Story a light harvesting protein
p51 Birkbeck 2nd Internet Course Principles of Protein Structure
p52 ANL

March 96 issue 56
p34 plans for a European Spallation Source
p 36 Progress of CCP14
p 48 ESRS summer school

June 96 issue 57
p8 Mirror site in Europe for IUCr Seattle 96
p 61 ORTEP now uses PGPLOT

September 96 issue 58
p 7 IUCr99 Glasgow
p 18 BCA Leeds 97
p 40
p 41 New CLRC newsletter
p 50, 61 NIST instruments
p 52 Proposal for standard format for neutron data
p 60
December 96 issue 59
p 9 BCA Leeds 97
p 30 Status of the International Tables
p 31
p 38 IUCr99 Glasgow
p 47 Book Review 'Understanding Molecular Simulations'
p 52 National Cataloging Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists
p 62 World Directory of Crystallographers

March 97 issue 60
p 3 news of minerals
p 31 CCP14 updated
p31 EU funded project maintains a DARTS service starts at DL
p36 IoP Electronic journals, including Reports on the Progress in Physics now on-line
p47 Inorganic Crystal Structure Database demonstration server at the ILL

June 97 issue 61
p17 American Physical Society has a site for the History of Physics
Women in Physics
p23 Royal Society News
p33 IUCr99
p39 CCP14 updated
p42 Royal Microscopical Society on the Web
p61 CCP4 workshop in September in York

September 97 Issue No, 62
p6 PCG winter meeting
p 10 BCA98 meeting St.Andrews
p 16 Rosalind Franklin
p 33
p 34
p 36
p 37
p 39 CCP4 Update on Program suite for protein crystallography
p 40 EPSRC fundsDarts for Academics
p 43
p 45 Report on Terry Willis Birthday meeting with photo of 3 birthday boys
p 46
p 48 Proceedings of Crystallographic Computing 7 MacroMolecular Computing School in 1997 now on-line
p 54
p 63
December 97 Issue No, 63
p13 Nobel Museum and Biography of Sir John Cowdery Kendrew
p13 Birkbeck Internet Protein crystallography Course
p14 Publications of the Royal Society
p16 BCA98 meeting St.Andrews
p32 Olga Kennard Fellowships see the Royal Society pages
p 38 References from the report on VISONS97
p40 from UK Neutron and Muon users meeting ISIS Crystallography
p42 Book Review (1) publisher is Oxford University Press
p43 Book Review (2)Numerical Recipes publisher is Cambridge University Press
p45 Reitveld Course at Georgia tech
p47 Tips on Protein Crystallisation
p47 Highlights of the RAMC Bischenberg meeting summarised by Bob Cudney
p49 Paul Emsley's Tutorial on SHARP

March 98 issue no. 64
p10 changed BCA web site address
p28 Oxford University Press publisher of High Pressure Techniques in Chemistry and Physics reviewed on this page
p29 RAL Library
p35 David Watkin's talk on twinning from the report of the CCG Nov 97 meeting
p41 URLS associated with talks at the CCP4 Study weekend on Databases for Macromolecular Crystallographers
p43 Bath Summer School in Protein Crystallography
p44 Conference Computers in Structural Chemistry and Molecular Biology
p46 A meeting to celebrate the 80th birthday of G.E.Bacon
p52 Workshop Modern techniques in Structural Chemistry of Microcrystalline and Amorphous Compounds
p57 two addresses for mineral physics
p60 Web sites for Women in Science and Technology
p60 educational materials supplier Tarquin Publications
June 98 issue 65
p25 ICDD for scholarship awards in 1998
p26 Download problems from Physical Chemistry text book
p33 RAL open Days ISIS Specific www site
p 36 European Spallation source
p46 Crystal Growing se region
p47 New 'in situ' web page on BCA site
p56 CCG Autumn meeting 98
p57 Travel to the CCG spring school 99
p63 June competition list of TLAs.

September 98 issue 66
p3 IUCr for the general search of the World Directory of Crystallographers,
or either of 2 simpler searches by:
p3 BCA membership form
p6, 10 IUCr 99
p11 RAL Open Days ISIS Crystallography, help for schools Schools online, BBC Tomorrows's World
p15 DL plans for a VUVCD beamline
p19 50 years of Computing and how to order the CD-ROM, Virtual Museum of Computing, Cranfield's Website, and Bletchley Park Trust rebuilding of COLOSSUS, Alan Turing his life and work on computable numbers.
p24 CIF WEb link
p31 BSG Winter meeting
p38 The Royal Society news and the text of ICSU Focus
p40 EPSRCredesigned Web site
p41 CCG Autumn meeting neutrons for structural chemistry
p49 CCG Durham School April 1999
p55 Computing Cartoons and Science Jokes
December 98 issue 67
p7 Electronic Abstract submission for IUCr99
p7 General Information for IUCr99
p13 CCG X-Ray structure Course, Durham
p20 ECA newsletter
p21 ECM-18 Prague
p25 references for the 'Letter to the Editor'
p26 CCP14
p27~~~~~~~~~check Crystals32
p35 DL report on SR user meeting for Protein crystallography. Agenda
p36 DL station 9.6 new CCD dectector and you can see two images:
  1. The new detector in place on the camera
  2. An example of a diffraction pattern obtained from a virus crystal.
p37 ISIS 98 Annual report
p41 European Residual Stress Conf Sept. 1999
p49 Next Denver Conf
p63 BBC TV series on Rocks

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