Three Letter Acronyms

Glossary of Three Letter Acronyms seen in 'Crystallography News'

Where possible, three (or more) letter acronyms (TLAs) should be avoided in articles submitted to 'Crystallography News'. THe following list of TLAs have appeared in newsletters published since 1995; if you happen to know the meaning of the ones left blank below, please send a definition to the BCA Webmaster. Please send in defiintions to the editor, who will be pleased to add any others to this list.
The Web pages Editor 'Crystallography News', 'Fortran Friends', P.O.Box 64, Didcot, Oxon, OX11 0TH, UK

email address [email protected] tel: (01235) 834357

Page last updated 25 March 2003
BCA Home page WebMaster [email protected]
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