Publication Dates 2000


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Copy Submission Dates: Publication of Crystallography News over the last year has run smoothly, because of tight control on deadlines. Thank you for your help in making this possible. In particular, as agreed, the printers have usually been able to put copies in the post within 14 days of the original text being delivered to them. In order to make sure that this posting continues to occur at the latest by the beginning of the first week of the publication month, the deadlines given below will be strictly adhered to. The deadline for monochrome display copy to reach me is usually the Friday in the first week of the month preceding the publication date, colour is a week earlier. The dates for the four issues of 2000 are:

                                      Next  Year of Issues 2000

                                  72: Mar  73: Jun  74: Sep  75: Dec

Deadline for receipt of colour      

copy for advertisements            28 Jan   28 Apr   28 Jul   27 Oct      

Deadline for receipt of text and

    monochrome advertisements       4 Feb    6 May    4 Aug    4 Nov

Delivery of completed text 

to printer                         11 Feb   12 May   11 Aug   11 Nov

Postage of Copies to members       25 Feb   26 May   25 Aug   24 Nov


Note: If you think you are a paid up member of the BCA but you are not receiving your personal copy of 'Crystallography News', please contact the BCA Administrative Secretary, Dr.Stephanie Harris, BCA Office, P.O.Box 171, WORCESTER, WR4 0YE, or the Editor at the address below.

Any contributions, comments or suggestions about the content of Crystallography News should be addressed to the Editor, who is also keen to be sent eye-catching illustrations on any aspect of crystallography for the front cover. Text may be sent electronically as ASCII or Postscript files, please use short lines, containing less than 256 characters. Text may also be sent on PC or RISC-OS (but not Mac) disks.

Kate Crennell, Editor 'Crystallography News',
'Fortran Friends', P. O. Box 64, Didcot, Oxon OX11 0TH , UK

tel: (01235) 834357 email:[email protected]

Note: This address should only be used for mail delivered by the Post Office; if you send items by other courier, please ask for the geographic address.

The British Crystallographic Association is a Registered Charity No. 284718

Page last updated 24 Nov 1999
BCA Home page WebMaster [email protected]
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