Contents Crystallography News No 37 Jun 91


The Historical Session - March 28th 1991

This session was a delight to convene and an enormous pleasure to hear on the final morning of the meeting. Our four speakers entertained and informed a full lecture theatre most enjoyably. Arnold Beevers opened the morning with "Crystallography in Edinburgh after Crum Bmwn", which, with the 'knitted' model of sodium chloride and the 'coffins for dogs' idea (empty Beevers-Lipson strip boxes!!), together with the remarks of Henry in the audience, had the rest of us weeping with laughter - brilliant, Amold, thank you! John Robertson followed with his "Crystallographic Jokes, Jolts and Reflections", giving a most eloquent and, in turn, philosophical view on various highlights from our subject's history. His 'graphical aids' were ingenious. Judith Milledge then presented a very splendid lecture "A Flock of Crazy Prophets", based on the life and work of Kathleen Lonsdale, beautifully illustrated, not just in visual form, but with archival material including the magnificent hand-written book of the original International Tables work by Kathleen herself. It was a pleasure to see these and other treasures of the past. Last, but by no means least, came Henry Lipson with his talk entitled "But man's reach should be beyond his grasp, or what's a heaven for?" in which he, so well and in a relaxed manner, gave us the other half of the 'Beevers-Lipson Story', well documented with anecdotes from our crystallographic forefathers.

Henry's lecture closed what had been quite a remarkable session and we were delighted to have had the pleasure of hearing and watching the marvellous Beevers-Lipson Duo again, especially as it turned out to be for the last time. It is with deep regret that we learnt of Henry's death in Israel on April 26th. This session will always mean something very special to those of us who were fortunate enough to hear our four speakers on that morning. I congratulate them all for their eloquence and entertainment, and for the scientific harvest which showed through in their obvious enthusiasm for the subject and in the freshness of their presentations. As someone said to me afterwards "Why didn't you video that session, it was magnificent !?" ...... yes, it was.........�... why didn't I ???..!

Judith Howard

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