June Diamond Puzzle

This puzzle is intended to teach you a little about the 'diamond' project. It contains 28 words which follow the usual rules for word squares, letters are in adjacent squares, they run in only one direction which may be forward or backwards, horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

The words are 4 research topics to be studied at 'diamond' and the surnames of 24 people associated with the project, 23 with the 'diamond' project itself, and the last one the surname of the recently appointed CLRC Director for Synchrotron Radiation.

All the names can be found on the 'Internet', most of them on the diamond' web site at http://www.diamond.ac.uk

Entries should be returned to the Editor before 17 July 2002. A prize of a £10 book token is offered for the best solution.

While you are looking at the diamond website you are invited to contibute to their newly launched discussions group at:

The discussion area is only available to registed users, help and a registration form can be found via the Discussions page at