Submitting items

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY NEWS is published quarterly by the British Crystallographic Association. It is mailed out in the first week of March, June, September and December.

Click here for the submission deadlines for this year

Advertisements are handled by the BCA Administrative Office, their contact details can be found on the Admin Contacts Page. Press releases are not accepted. Please note that the advertising policy is set by the BCA Council.

Other copy for publication should be sent to the Editor:

  Bob Gould                            Tel: 0131 667 7230
  33 Charterhall Road,
      E-mail [email protected]

Text for publication should preferably be submitted by E-mail, either as plain ASCII text of as an MSWORD attachment.

If you have to use hard copy, please produce it using one of these fonts: Courier, Times Roman or Helvetica (Arial) with a font size not smaller than 12 point, so that it can be scanned and the text extracted by Optical Character Recognition (OCR). All articles will be reformatted, so the format in which it is sent is unimportant.

Illustrations are always welcome. If possible, submit these as separate image files, preferably in .bmp, .tif, or .jpg format. Please scale your image so that it takes less than 1 MByte storage space. Photographic prints less than 15cm square can be scanned, please send them in a hard backed envelope. If the illustrations are not your own copyright, please send us the form of words to acknowledge the generosity of the copyright holder in allowing us to reproduce it.

Items may include news about crystallographers (for example awards, honours, retirements etc), reports on past meetings of interest to crystallographers, notices of future meetings, historical reminiscences, letters to the editor, and book, hardware or software reviews.

BCA Cnews page WebMaster [email protected]
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