Book reviewed in issue 62 Sep 97


Author: Peter R. Cromwell

Publisher: Cambridge University Press 1997 451 pages
ISBN 9-521-55432-2 hardback �30 (US$ 44.95) 16 colour plates

When Liverpool mathematician Peter Cromwell became interested in polyhedra he found that although many people have studied polyhedra for thousands of years there was no readable modern book on them, only practical hints for model makers or treatises handling multidimensional polytopes. He has attempted to fill that gap. This is not a textbook; as the author says, a study of polyhedra is no longer mainstream mathematical research. There are ten chapters which are essentially independent essays on related aspects of polyhedra, arranged roughly in historical order. Most people will have heard of 'Platonic' and 'Archimedean solids', but until I read this book I did not know that Liu Hui in China in 263 AD had described a dissection of the cube which is now often found in interactive science museums.

Following a useful introduction to define terms used, there are examples of polyhedra in art and architecture (Plate 7 shows a photograph of a small stellated dodecahedron in the marble mosaic floor of St. Mark's Basilica, Venice). Other chapters are on 'Rules and Regularity', 'Surfaces, Solids and Spheres'. 'Symmetry, Shape and Structure' is probably the chapter most useful to a crystallographer, it includes a 'decision tree' which could be useful to students struggling to determine the symmetry type of a given crystal or polyhedron. Unfortunately, as he explains in the preface, some topics are omitted, including duality and a study of space filling polyhedra.

This is a handsome book printed on good quality paper; each chapter begins with an elegant full page illustration. There are many line diagrams in the text, such as this one to the left. The colour plates are between pages 210 and 211, but it took me some time to find them because they are not listed in the contents. There are 23 pages of bibliography, a 5 page name index and a 9 page subject index. The bibliography is divided into sections, with references grouped by chapter, but there are no reference numbers within the chapter itself showing you exactly where a particular reference is relevant.

I expected a book of this kind to be accompanied by software, or a least a list of World Wide Web sites for those interested in polyhedra. The diagrams must have been generated by computer since the book was prepared by the author using LaTeX and printed from the camera ready copy he supplied, but I found no details of how the diagrams were made. The use of computers is discussed in the chapter 'Counting, Colouring and Computing' where they are used as tools to solve the problem of how to colour a polyhedron with a minimum number of colours.

You could buy this book for its wealth of general information on polyhedra. I found it very readable, but as there is little discussion of crystallographic applications, I think it too expensive to recommend to students. A cheaper paperback edition might be very good value, especially if accompanied by an optional CD-ROM with images from the book and software to allow readers to make their own polyhedral diagrams.

Kate Crennell

I have since discovered that the author has his own Web Site where you can learn more about this book at:
where the Contents is listed, with some reviews, details, and a page of errata which includes several replacement pages (one of which is page 313 the decision tree to help you decide on the symmetry of a polyhedron).

He also has an amusing dodecahedral calendar as a postscript file which you cut out and construct as a decoration for your desk, and a list of links to other polyhedral sites.

A paperback edition is to be published by the CUP on 22 July 1999
ISBN 0-521-66405-5 price (UK) �22.95
further details can be found on the author's web site at:
This is a revised edition which attempts to correct errors reported in the hardback edition.
Page last updated 24 June 1999
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