Books mentioned in issue 58 September 96

Dorothy Hodgkin and Linus Pauling - A tribute

A report on the talks given at the Montreal Meeting of the American Crystallographic Association on 25 July 1995, collected into a 32 page booklet with 4 pages of photographs and diagrams. Available for $8 (plus postage and packing) from the Polycrystal Book Service, PO Box 3439, Dayton, Ohio 45401 USA email [email protected] or try thei web page at


Dorothy Hodgkin, who won the Nobel Prize in 1964 belongs to a small group of scientists who changed the face of science - as will be abundantly clear from the papers in this collection. She is acknowledged as the leading crystallographer in the field of natural products; she had an unerring instinct for sensing the most significant structural problems in this field. The landmarks of her work are cholesterol, penicillin, vitamin B12 and insulin.

Through her numerous collaborators she has played a major part in the spread of X-ray crystallography all over the world. She was a visiting Raman Professor of the Indian Academy of Sciences. To commemorate this, the Academy has published her collected works in three volumes, printed by Interline Publishing, Bangalore. ISBN 81-7296-020-4

The first volume contains all the papers Dorothy and her collaborators have published on insulin from the first report of the X-ray photographs she took in 1935 to the solving of its structure in 1969 and its final refinement. It has vii + 635 pages.

The second volume contains her papers on cholesterol, penicillin and other antibiotics, and vitamin B12. It has lv + 762 pages.

The third contains her papers on general crystallography, review articles, general articles on various topics and biographical articles on the lives of prominent scientists. It also includes the 'Autobiographical Memoirs' of the early part of her life, edited by Katherine Hodgkin. It has lj + 816 pages.

There are also review articles on insulin, vitamin B12 and penicillin; reminiscences by those who knew her, the addresses delivered at her funeral and memorial service, and major lectures she delivered including the Nobel Lecture in 1964. Each volume has subject and author indices. The editors are G.G. Dodson, J.P. Glusker, S. Ramaseshan, K. Venkatesan.

This 3 volume set is being published by the Indian Academy of Sciences at the price of �80 (including postage from India). These books make an invaluable resource for many purposes - including the education of future crystallographers. The low price brings them within the sights of both individuals and libraries. The sooner your library can be persuaded to buy a copy, the more money it will save.

Orders should be sent to India, with cheque or bank draft payable to "Indian Academy of Sciences" to:
Circulation Department, Indian Academy of Sciences, Post Box No 8005, C.V. Raman Avenue, Bangalore 560 080, India

 ORDER FORM   "The Collected Works of Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin" 

Please send me .............  copy/copies of the 3-volume set.  

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