Book Review: Rotational Spectroscopy of Diatomic Molecules

Title  Rotational Spectroscopy of Diatomic Molecules
Author   John Brown (Oxford) and Alan Carrington (Southampton)
Publisher   Cambridge University Press, 2003
Price £ 100 (hardback), £39.95 (paperback
ISBN 0-521-81009-4 (hardback) 0-521-53078-4 (paperback) 1013+ xxxi pages.

This book is a huge piece of work, containing, among other things, more than 2500 equations with numerous references and tables of data. It is strongly based on the 1950 work Spectroscopy of Diatomic Molecules by G. Herzberg, The book deals mainly with work done since then, and has itself been some 30 years in the making. For those interested in this topic, it should provide a definitive sourcebook for many years to come.

Bob Gould

This review was published on page 7 issue no. 88 of 'Crystallography News' March 2004