Pages from Crystallography News Mar 99

Pages from issue 68 March 99

In addition to the Presidents remarks in this page there are:

From the President

As you all must know by now, we are fast approaching the IUCr Meeting in Glasgow. Preparations for this major scientific event are well in hand now, and already the signs are that the attendance will be very large indeed. So I urge you to think seriously about making plans to attend this important meeting. This will give you a unique opportunity to welcome crystallographers from all over the world who represent the whole vast range of subjects that make up our discipline. Certainly the summer is going to be a busy time for the members of the Organising and Programme Committees. If you have not yet received your copy of the 2nd circular, please contact me or Chris Gilmore. I look forward to seeing you all in Glasgow in August!

I am pleased to see that Dorothy Hodgkin's College Somerville is helping to sponsor a Dorothy Hodgkin memorial lecture in The University Museum in Oxford on March 4th to be given by Louise Johnson. Those of you who are in Oxford at the time may like to attend. (See the Latest news page in the BCA Web pages for details, address below)

Our activities on crystal growing, ably organised by Phil Smith of the Royal Society of Chemistry with a little help from BCA members, are continuing. We are hoping the national competition will be as great a success as the regional ones.

Finally, it is with sadness that I have to announce the death recently of Don Rogers, whom many of us remember for his important contributions to crystallography, especially his important work on absolute configuration.

Mike Glazer
3 February 1999

Editor's Note: Further details of both the Dorothy Hodgkin lecture and a link to the page describing the crystal growing competition can be found via the BCA web site address:

From the Administrative Secretary
BCA General Bursary Awards 1998

During 1998, a total of £3,100 was used for BCA General bursaries and was distributed to nine individuals and to two block grants. This excludes the sum awarded for BCA bursaries to the BCA St. Andrews Conference, paid for by the conference funds.

A similar report was published last year in 'Crystallography News' March 1998, issue No. 64
Each bursary is described on two lines:
on the first is the Reference no. followed by the name of the Recipient and their Institution
the second line has the name of the Conference and the Cost in £s

98.1  BLOCK grant  Department of Chemistry, University of Manchester
    "50 years of Computing Conference"  £800

98.2  Dijksma, Mr F.J.    Department of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh
    18th European Crystallographic Meeting, Prague,Czech Republic  £200

98.3  Fisher, Mr M.  Department of Mol. Biol. & Biotech., University of Sheffield
    ACA, Washington DC, USA  £200

98.4  Cole, Dr J.M.  School of Physical Sciences, University of Kent
     IUCr School, Erice, Italy  £200

98.5  Peacock, Ms C.A.  Mech. & Chemical Eng. Department, Univ. of Heriot-Watt
     12th Int. Conference on Crystal Growth, Jerusalem, Israel  £200

98.6  Smith, Miss L.  School of Biochemistry & Mol. Biology, University of Leeds
     ACA, Washington DC, USA  £200

98.7  Hennessy, Ms A.J.   Mech. & Chemical Eng. Department, Univ. of Heriot-Watt
     12th Int. Conference on Crystal Growth, Jerusalem, Israel  £200

98.8  Coxall, Mr R.A.  Department of Chemistry, University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne
    18th European Crystallographic Meeting, Prague,Czech Republic  £200

98.9  Vinecombe, Miss E.   School of Biochemistry & Mol. Biology, University of Leeds
    18th European Crystallographic Meeting,Prague,Czech Republic  £200

98.10  BLOCK grant to the
    5th Glasgow Protein Structure Workshop at Galashiels, Scotland  £500

     5 students each awarded £100:
     Smith, Miss L.; Dawkes, Miss H.C.; Vinecombe, Miss E. University of Leeds
     McLuskey Miss K.; Goodal, Mr G. University of Glasgow

98.11  McBride, Miss L.  Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Strathclyde University
    AsCA'98, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia  £200

  TOTAL value of 1998 payments =    £3,100

1st Dorothy Hodgkin Memorial Lecture

Professor Louise Johnson, David Phillips Professor of Molecular Biophysics, University of Oxford, will give the first Somerville College Dorothy Hodgkin Memorial Lecture in association with Oxford AWiSE "Dorothy Hodgkin and penicillin: 50 years from structure to present day understanding of Biosynthesis and Bacterial resistance" on Thursday 4th March 1999.

Location Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Parks Road, Oxford.

Time: 6.00 p.m. Entrance: free      Details tel: (01865) 270630

EPSRC National Crystallography Service

The move to the University of Southampton has been completed. Full details of how to apply to use this service are on the Web at URL

The deadline for proposals is provisionally 28th February, but I am told they will accept any submitted up until 15th March. I hope to have an article describing this laboratory based service in the next issue.

ICDD News March 1999

Pharmaceutical Powder X-Ray Diffraction Symposium

This meeting will be held in rural Pennsylvania September 27th to 29th 1999. It is sponsored by the ICDD and Glaxo Wellcome Inc. if you want to go please register as soon as possible, Full details are on the web at :

Further information from the ICDD email: [email protected]

or [email protected]

1999 ICDD Crystallography Scholarship Recipients are Announced

The ICDD Crystallography Scholarship Committee has selected five winners for the 1999 Scholarship program. They are: Byron DeLaBarre, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada; Shannon Patrick Farrell, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada; Cora Lind, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia; Oshrit Navon, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel; K. Scott Weil (also a 1998 recipient), Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Byron DeLaBarre's studies focus on 'Determining the Phases for a Difficult Protein Structure. Shannon Farrell 's research involves 'Sulpher K- and L-Edge XANES of 3d Transition Metal Sulphides and Silicate and Germanate Glasses.'  The exploration of 'New Negative Thermal Expansion Materials Related to Cubic ZrW2O8", will be conducted by Cora LindOshrit Navon's thesis research concerns the 'Polymorphism and the Influence of Crystal Forces on Molecular Conformation.'  K. Scott Weil will continue his 'Investigation of the Formation, Structure, and Magnetic Beha vior of Compounds in the Nickel-Molybdenum-Nitride System.'

Jeanne Ginsburg
International Centre for Diffraction Data

Web site:

Royal Society News

Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowships

The Royal Society is again offering 12 Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowships this year, but the deadline for applications is very close, 12 March 1999. They offer support and flexibility to be particularly encouraging to women. They can be held in any natural science subject, including mathematics and engineering. It would be good to see more fellowships being gained to study Dorothy's own subject. Encourage any young crystallographers you know to apply. Full details are available on the web site at :

Royal Society Journals go fully electronic

ubscribers to the Society's four main Proceedings and Transaction journals will now benefit from direct electronic access to their journals about two weeks before the printed copy arrives. Access via third party 'aggregators' has been offered since September 1997; this new service removes the need for these third party arrangements, their passwords, and frequently, their costs. Subscribers need just to visit the Publications web site at and register for their access.

New book on Science Funding

'Science funding: the European Dimension' was published in January 1999. It is the report of a Discussion meeting held at the Royal Society in March 1998. It costs £12.50 from Jacqueline Knapp, Royal Society publications department, 6 Carlton House terrace, London SW1Y 5AG
tel: (0171) 451 2645 or email: [email protected]

First Society/Wolfson lab refurbishment grants awarded

Grants have been awarded to 17 principal investigators in 12 universities for laboratory refurbishment in the field of informatics. Among these relevant to crystallography are:

Professor Neil Barclay to support the Oxford University Bioinformatics Centre,

Professor Judith Howard, (Durham) to develop chemical databases to obtain information on molecular interactions of importance to drug design, polymer structure and liquid crystal formation,
Professor Maria Petrou, (Surrey) to support research in image processing techniques to reduce exposure to X-rays during medical diagnosis,
Dr. Henry Rzepa, Imperial College, to create a dedicated informatics and visualisation centre as part of an interdisciplinary computational chemistry and medical science suite.

Page last updated 11 Mar 1999

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