Mystery Material - Can you help?

Our laboratory has received a small piece of material that we are keen to try and identify. Although we can characterise is structure (described briefly below) we are unsure of its origin and possible function. Therefore, I would like to hear from anyone who could shed some light on this mystery material and who does not think this is from an anti-gravity machine! My email address and telephone number are provided below.

front of material back of material

Views of the two sides of the material, longest dimension shown is 1.5cm.

Material Description:
solid sheet (thickness ~1mm) with rough surfaces, one light and the other dark. The structural integrity is very weak parallel to each surface. Microscopic examination reveals that this is because the sheet is composed of alternalte layers of very different composition. These alternating discrete layers consist of (a) magnesium (~200-400 microns) possessing some preferred orientation and (b) a relatively thin layer (~4 microns) containing a high concentration of bismuth (40 wt%) and lead, the rest being Mg.

There may be some evidence of further layering within each of the thicker Mg layers. Other features are the presence of zinc (concentration dropping through the material) and a trace of a bismuth-manganese alloy (Bi2Mg3).

Any information would be gratefully received.

Keith Rogers
Tel (01793)785399
email: [email protected]

Page last updated 12 Mar 1999
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