The British Crystallographic Association has collaborated with the Natural History Museum in the new edition of their book "Crystals", which is co-written by BCA member Gordon Cressey, and Ian Mercer.

"Crystals" is a very informative and visually spectacular 60 page full-colour softback book, describing and illustrating the external and internal beauty of crystals of all kinds, from gemstones to proteins and viruses, and their usage and importance in the world around us. It makes an excellent present for friends and relatives, to answer all those difficult questions they ask about what it is you do and why it is important !

"Crystals" was launched with great success and to considerable acclaim at the Glasgow IUCr Congress, but if you didn't pick one up there, you can obtain copies from the BCA Treasurer for the price of £7.95 each inc. P&P at the address shown below:

Crystals booklet
Dr. Steve Maginn,
BCA Treasurer,
12 Union Road,
Cambridge CB2 1EZ

Please make cheques in UK pounds only payable to
" The British Crystallographic Association".
Do not send cash through the post.

Page last updated 14 Oct 1999
BCA Home page WebMaster [email protected]
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