BCA Tie Sales

BCA Ties !!

Did you see all those people wandering round at Leeds, wearing attractive BCA ties ? Didn't they look suave ? And wouldn't you like to have one ?

They were available at the registration desk there, but you could easily have missed that. But don't despair !

BCA tieThe design consists of the symmetry elements of sodium chloride, on an attractive dark coloured background. There are three choices - navy blue, dark green, and dark red. You can obtain ties for the sum of �7, inc. p&p, from the BCA Treasurer,

Dr. S.J. Maginn,
was at Dl in 1997, in 1999 is at
Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre,
12 Union Road,

.. but hurry ! There are a limited number left ....

Page last updated 1 July 1999
BCA Home page WebMaster [email protected]
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