Design a logo for Glasgow 99


As you will know, the 18th I.U.Cr. Congress is due to be held in Glasgow in August 1999. The meeting will need a suitable logo ready for the 1996 I.U.Cr Meeting in Seattle next year. The B.C.A. has decided, therefore, to launch a competition to design one. It is open to any BCA member, and the prize will be free registration for the 1999 meeting, as well as the pleasure of seeing your artwork on display throughout the crystallographic world!

Please bear the following points in mind:

  1. Colour is fine, and INDEED preferred, but the logo must also reproduce well in greyscale.
  2. The meeting is British, but will have a very Scottish flavour.
  3. It is a crystallography meeting.
  4. Absolutely no haggis!
Please send your entries to:

Dr. Chris Gilmore                Telephone: 0141 330 5947

Department of Chemistry                Fax: 0141 330 4419

University of Glasgow

Glasgow G12 8QQ              E-mail [email protected] 

You can submit either in hard copy or computer-readable form BY E-MAIL. I can Read WordPerfect v5/6 (PC), MS Word v6(PC), MS Word v2 (Mac), Framemaker(UNIX), and embedded postscript, plus other less common formats.

THE DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES IS JANUARY 31ST 1996. The winner will be announced at the BCA meeting in Cambridge.

Chris Gilmore 4 May 1995

BCA Home page WebMaster [email protected]
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