You are cordially invited to attend the

Fourth European Powder Diffraction Conference (EPDIC IV)

to be held in Chester, England from Monday 10 to Friday 14 July 1995
The meeting is being organised by the Daresbury Laboratory
The conference programme has a broad appeal covering all areas of powder diffraction. However, there are three main themes, structure solution and refinement, dynamic scattering or structures in change, and industrially relevant and practical uses. There will be comprehensive poster sessions fully integrated with the commercial exhibition.

Anyone interested in software development is encouraged to attend the Collaborative Computational Project on Powder Diffraction and Small Molecule Crystallography CCP14 Open Meeting to be held on Monday July 10th. This is the first meeting since the project began. It aims to develop an integrated suite of programs covering the whole range of functions involved in the analysis of a sample. There will be a hands on demonstration of the CCP14 suite. Comments and suggestions are welcome from all areas of the world, there is no intention to limit this project to the UK or Europe. Fee of �10 excluding accommodation.

On Friday July 14th there is another one day meeting on the powder diffraction file organised by the JCPDS/ICDD. Fee of �20 excluding accommodation.

Philips are inviting nominations for a Conference Award honouring outstanding scientific achievement by young scientists in the areas covered by the EPDIC IV programme. It has a value of 1,000 ECUs. The winner will be invited to present a plenary talk at the next European Powder Diffraction Conference. Proposals should be sent to the Conference Chairman at the address below.

For details or application forms apply to:

Conference Office, Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury, 

Warrington WA4 4AD, England.

tel:  +44 (01925) 6032385     fax: +44 (01925) 602195

or to the Conference Chairman: Dr.R.J.Cernik    e-mail:  [email protected]

Sponsored by: 

 PHILIPS,     Daresbury Laboratory,     SIEMENS,     ICDD,     IUCr

Page last updated 19 May 1995
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