British Crystallographic Association

Charity Registration 284718

Stocks of Crystallography News Back Issues

To order please place the quantity you require followed by the issue number in brackets in the QUANTITY box on the order form, e.g. 1 (66) will order one copy of Sept 1998 edition.
Use a comma to separate multiple orders e.g. 1(66), 1(77)

These are the stocks held by the BCA Admin Office, the editor may have a few others which will be shipped to the Admin Office soon; we will try to update this list as often as we can.

Year  Month  Issue Copies



      Jun     73     5

      Mar     72     6


      Dec     71     5

      Sep     70     5

      Jun     69     2

      Mar     68     1


      Dec     67     5

      Sep     66     5

      Jun     65     5

      Mar     64     5


     Dec      63     5

     Sep      62     0

     Jun      61     5

     Mar      60     1


     Dec      59     5

     Sep      58     5

     Jun      57     0

     Mar      56     5


     Dec      55     0

     Sep      54     3

     Jun      53     4

     Mar      52     5


     Dec      51     0

     Sep      50     0

     Jun      49     5

     Mar      48     5

Page last updated 17 Aug 2000
BCA Home page WebMaster [email protected]
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